
Please submit your manuscript using the webform on this page.* Submissions for the 2026 Awards will be accepted from July 1 through August 31, 2025.


Any writer who has not previously published a book-length volume of prose fiction is eligible to enter the competition. Previously entered manuscripts that have been revised may be resubmitted. Writers are still eligible if they have published a volume of poetry or any work in a language other than English, or if they have self-published a work in a small print run. Writers are still eligible if they are living abroad or are non-US citizens writing in English. Current University of Iowa students are not eligible.


The manuscript must be a collection of short stories in English of at least 150 word-processed, double-spaced pages. The manuscript may include a cover page, contents page, etc., but these are not required; however, please ensure the writer's name can be found somewhere within the manuscript or in the file name. The author's name can be on every page but this is not required.

Stories previously published in periodicals are eligible for inclusion. There is no reading fee; please do not send cash, checks, or money orders. We assume the author retains a copy of the manuscript.


Award-winning manuscripts will be published by the University of Iowa Press under the Press' standard contract.


*If you would prefer to send a hard copy of your manuscript, please print it double-spaced and double-sided, and ship to:

Writers' Workshop
Short Fiction Awards
102 Dey House
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1000

Your shipment must be postmarked by the submission deadline. We do not return manuscripts to applicants. Be sure your full name and email address are included in your shipment.

Next submission period: July 1st - August 31st, 2025.

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